Nourish Nutrition Service

Our Nourish Nutrition Service is more than a dietary evaluation service – it is a highly specialised nutrition service backed by years of industry experience and research.  Dr Caroline Foote (Equine Consulting Services) works with our clients – large or small – to create optimal feeding programs to suit their exact needs.  

Our services include the following:


  • Simply click on the link below to book a session


Trainers/Pretrainers/Spelling Farms

  • Stable visit (or online/phone consult);
  • Analysis of current feeding program;
  • Discussion of requirements and preference for feeding method (premixed feeds vs using raw materials);
  • Development of new or modified feeding program to suit the trainer’s needs;
  • Ongoing nutritional support year round.


  • Farm visit;
  • Assessment/analysis of pasture availability;
  • Analysis of current dietary intake of mares/foals relative to documented requirements;
  • Development of feeding programs based on raw materials or commercial feeds for growing/breeding stock/yearling preparation;
  • Ongoing nutritional support with visits scheduled quarterly or as required.